Xi Jinping’s China on the way to the 20th Party Congress, Part 2 with Charles Parton

Sep 22, 2022 12:00 - 13:00

With only a month to go before the quinquennial party congress, preparations are in their critical phase. Xi Jinping’s first foreign trip this week after almost a thousand days at home appears to signal that the support for his political agenda at the party congress is well secured. The focus of attention is now on the appointment of key positions.

Long-time diplomat and China analyst Charles Parton explained how to read the latest signals coming out of Beijing and what to expect in the run-up to the 20th Party Congress.

Charles Parton is a Senior Fellow at MERICS. He served for 37 years in the UK diplomatic service, with over 20 of those years spent dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Among other things, he advised member states at the EU delegation in Beijing on how China's policies might affect their interests.

Moderator: Valarie Tan, Analyst, Politics & Society, MERICS

Please note that the meeting was confidential and by invitation only.
You can read more about Part 1 of this event format with Charles Parton here.
