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China's economy is facing increasing headwinds: How deep in trouble is China’s economy?

Oct 19, 2021 09:00 - 10:00

China’s GDP growth rate is expected to fall to around 5 percent in Q3. Growth moderation was widely expected after the recovery peaked over the first two quarters, but the deceleration is sharper than expected. On top of this the government’s attempts to reduce financial risk in the real estate sector, the clamp down on its tech companies as well as energy shortages will weigh down GDP growth in the coming months.

This raises question about the overall shape of China’s economy. The government will need to strike a balance in addressing structural challenges while preventing GDP growth from falling too much. What will the government’s lower limit of accepted GDP growth be and what will be done to stimulate growth as China faces yet another politically sensitive year in 2022?

Online Event: "China's economy is facing increasing headwinds: How deep in trouble is China’s economy?"
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 19, 2021,9 a.m. to 10 a.m. (CEST)

The event was open to the public and took place via Zoom.
The discussion took place in English.

Mikko Huotari - Executive Director, MERICS
Max Zenglein - Chief Economist, MERICS
Valarie Tan - Analyst, MERICS

Claudia Wessling – Director Communications and Publications, MERICS

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